Alexey Kotovsky

Alexey Kotovsky, native Ukrainian voice-talent from Kiev

Alexey Kotovsky is a VIP voice talent from Kiev. This brand male voice is available for recording every day. If you need your company’s voice you need Alexey’s brand voice. Listen to his demo! Such voices always sound fashionable despite different trends in voiceover practice. This low pleasant strong-willed manful voice is characteristic of a real man. The confidence and reliability felt in every word and phrase are sure to be appreciated by both male and female audience. Alexey can cope with any voiceover task: documentaries, presentations, audio ads, jingles, etc. The pricing is quite justified for such a voice.
Voicetalent name Alexey Kotovsky
Rating 32 votes
Fee from
Turnaround 48+ hrs
Languages Ukrainian, Russian
Popularity Midle
Voice features Baritone

Making an order for voice-over at 2vocieover studio you can expect to receive from one to three ready takes of your script. This rule applies if the script is not more than 80 words long. In case it contains more than 80 words you can expect only one take. The quote can change if the script is to be broadcasted on TV or radio. To get an adequate quotation be sure to specify if your script is going to be used for broadcasting.