Lisa Lund

Lisa Lund, native British voice-over actress

Lisa Lund, a narrator from Bradford, works as a news editor and a radio DJ. She has been a regular contributor to Production Studio for 20 years. During this time she has perfected her speech skills and is distinguished among her colleagues by understanding the objectives of the customers and by flawlessly implementing them. Lisa Lund offers services in localizing any materials in perfect British English. The customers of studio can enjoy a discount which makes Lisa’s fee much lower than the average European fee.
Voicetalent name Lisa Lund
Rating 2 votes
Fee from
Turnaround 48+ hrs
Languages British English
Popularity Midle
Voice features Soprano

Making an order for voice-over at 2vocieover studio you can expect to receive from one to three ready takes of your script. This rule applies if the script is not more than 80 words long. In case it contains more than 80 words you can expect only one take. The quote can change if the script is to be broadcasted on TV or radio. To get an adequate quotation be sure to specify if your script is going to be used for broadcasting.