Mother and father are professional narrators — and what about your child (part 2)?

Mother and father are professional narrators — and what about your child (part 2)?

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Mother and father are professional narrators — and what about your child (part 2)?

The more used a child becomes to recording, the less exciting seems the adult world, the more boring the work appears to the child. Here comes the crisis of professionalism! Of course, it can be just tiredness, bad mood or children’s restlessness which even adults are subject to. But with children nothing helps: neither persuasion, nor promises. Even money (for older children) stops playing the role of a motivational factor.
“I don’t want it”
“Can I sit down?”
The stages can be different and you can luckily avoid the situation when the voice is agreed upon, you are in charge of the record but instead of childish artlessness you can hear just dull mechanical repetition of phrases if not a frank weeping.
Only infinite patience, flexibility and tactfulness can help you in this hard business. But then you can’t help listening with delight to those darling child voice-over in audio advertising!

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