Yu Choi

Voice-acting in Chinese, male voice, Yu Choi

You can stay all your life in the same town but your voice will be heard by millions. A good experienced voice-talent will readily confirm it. Especially when it comes to China. A billion audience in the Middle Kingdom now and then strives to enjoy something new, so give them what they want! Yu Choi’s male voice-talent native Chinese can appeal or tempt depending on the content of your text. The main thing is that it will be done in the purest, without any accent Chinese. The prospect of entering the Chinese market implies immense opportunities and we find comfort in the hope that there is still something left to which the industrious Chinese have not put their hands yet. Judging by the fact that you need a voice in Chinese there is hope! We are sure that our voice talent Yu Choi will meet your expectations.
Voicetalent name Yu Choi
Rating 21 vote
Fee from
Turnaround 48+ hrs
Languages Chinese, Mandarin
Popularity Midle
Voice features Baritone
Just as with other voice talents, the price is set for short texts, audio commercials, etc in reference units. If you need to voice a non-standard text exceeding the specified length we will gladly clarify the pricing.
Putonghua Chinese
Middle-aged, young, energetic voice of matured youth
Special skills
Checking the translation into Chinese is really important as there may be certain mistakes in it. When ordering, specify if the speaker should check the correctness of the translation.
Online training programs, audio books, video presentations, infographic voiceover, radio commercials, voice greetings for businesses, audio information for shopping centers, programs of individual character.

Making an order for voice-over at 2vocieover studio you can expect to receive from one to three ready takes of your script. This rule applies if the script is not more than 80 words long. In case it contains more than 80 words you can expect only one take. The quote can change if the script is to be broadcasted on TV or radio. To get an adequate quotation be sure to specify if your script is going to be used for broadcasting.