Article. How well can the studio microphone reproduce the sound?

Article. How well can the studio microphone reproduce the sound?

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How well can the studio microphone reproduce the sound?

Modern microphones are known to be so sensitive that they can catch even the sound made by the hair growing in your nose. Of course, there is only a measure of truth in the saying but still it should not be disregarded. If the sound producer wants to reproduce the rustle of the falling leaves outside or your tummy-rumbling, he can certainly do this. But we will not discuss it here.
We’ll start from the very beginning when there is nothing but the script of the future trailer to be narrated by Russian native voicetalent, when this text is pinned to the board (or clutched in the hand), when the microphone is on and the trailer fate depends on certain persons’ abilities. Will it be a masterpiece? Of course, of greatest importance are the sound producer’s skills, as he is to choose an appropriate voice, to find proper approach to the voice talent in order to get the best out of him, to direct the recording. Doubtlessly, a voice talent must be able to do his job well at any time. But the artistic soul is so delicate and prone to fluctuations of mood… But suppose everybody is prepared, then the project execution depends on the equipment performance. Now it is the microphone that is responsible for transfusing all shades of feelings, it is the microphone that acts as a kind of mediator between the voice talent and the final product and it is the microphone that is the final link in the chain which predetermines the outcome. But if the microphone is of best quality, if it can convey all nuances of voice, every subtle change in a person’s mood, even person’s age and state of health, the decisive importance rests with the voice talent himself. And do not try to lay the blame on the microphone. If the trailer is not a success, it means that either you have not done your best or you are just not suited for this particular trailer. Sometimes you can hear “this voice is not kind enough”, “this voice is too sad” and so on. Like a good taster, a sound producer must discern slightest shades of the voice. Mind that if you are going to be tested at a professional studio, your voice will sound quite different from what you are used to. 
Besides, much depends on your personality. Sometimes there are such voice qualities that can’t be exactly defined but are well reproduced by good imitators who make this voice recognizable. And another point. It helps a lot if you are interested in what you are speaking about. Just remember the best football commentators. Of course, it does not mean that you must be fond of burglars if you are reading a text about them. In such a case you may make your voice sound so as to arouse hatred or indignation. 
Yes, the microphone can be very helpful, it can remove frequency distortions but, on the other hand, it will certainly reveal all imperfections of your voice, your manner of presentation and even your personality.
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