How should the customer’s wishes be interpreted by a voice talent?

How should the customer’s wishes be interpreted by a voice talent?

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How can such conflicting requirements be met by a voice talent? Do you think they are quite senseless? But in fact we come across such requirements very often and there is no use trying to prove anything. Just the reverse, one should try to satisfy the customer’s wishes and to receive the due money. The artistic approach to voiceover can often cause misunderstanding and conflicts. Sometimes customers demand that voiceover should imitate a famous person. All such demands sound rather vaguely, that is why it is so important to understand what the customer really means and wants in order to avoid conflicts.

Among the most common requirements I want to single out the following ones:

    1. Conflicting requirements
    2. Requirement to produce voiceover similar to…
    3. Obscure requirements

1. Conflicting requirements

I have already mentioned the requirements which are very difficult to meet. For example, how can you understand such ones: “Read it happily but at the same time there must be some sadness in your voice” or “You should sound mightily but vulnerably” or “You should read in a relaxed manner but squeeze the text into 30 seconds though it is timed for 45 seconds”. Do not try to convince the customer that it is impossible to comply with such conflicting demands, do your best to find the golden mean. As to the latter requirement, it is difficult to abridge the offered text as it has already been approved by several authorities. Still try to suggest some abridgements but do it in a friendly way. Chances are that you will succeed.

2. Requirement to produce voiceover similar to…

This requirement usually sounds like this: “I need a person who would sound like such-and-such famous actor”. But in fact the customer does not mean the identical voice, what the customer really wants is the manner of the actor, which greatly simplifies the task.

3. Obscure requirements

Such requirements are as follows: “The sound should be more violet” or “Do it as you have already done but a bit different”. Certainly it sounds embarrassing but do not get upset: the customer is not sure himself. Then help him suggesting various versions and by trial and error you will cope with the most difficult task and meet the most inconceivable requirements.

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