Obvious but incredible things in a voice talent everyday work

Obvious but incredible things in a voice talent everyday work

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Logic in setting the task for the voice-talent is a self-evident
requirement. But to be honest, it often brings up a lot of questions,
and not only questions.
For example, how do you like such a requirement: “Let the voice talent
read it as an intelligent person but such a one who can give a snack
on the jaw, if need be!” I can assume that this is quite
understandable for certain people but surely not for everybody. Can’t
you explain it a bit more clearly?
Not long ago I came across another very nice piece of wishes: “Don’t
jabber but don’t stay too long either.” It often happens that the
requirements are absolutely contradictory and incompatible.
Don’t try to set a task you are vague about. If you are not sure what
exactly you want, just listen to our demo samples given on the website. They
are various starting from purely informational ones and up to parodies
and demonstrate what our voice talents are able to do. This will help
you to find your bearings.
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