A song commercial – its advantages and risks
You have already got some information about a vocal or song commercial. Now let us speak about insurance. Against what? – you may
ask. Against a lawsuit, a lawsuit for copyright infringement brought
against you by the author of the masterpiece you have so aptly remade.
Of course, this mostly holds true in big cities, while in small ones
it is hardly probable, especially if the advertising campaign is
short-term. So first you should decide if you need extra troubles.
The only way out is exclusive license tracks from a specialized music
library. Surely such commercials do not possess the magic of a hit as
the resources of show business cannot be compared to those of audio
production studios. That is why the uniqueness of such audio
commercial can give comfort to the advertiser but its chances to
become a hit (which happens!) depend only on the advertiser’s
experience and time.
Another undoubted argument in favor of a short vocal commercial
consists in the fact that though it contains very little information,
your song commercial will favorably stand out from the routine city
noise. Certainly you can cram much more words into a conventional
commercial of the same length but it will never be remembered as well.
Several successfully sung words will stuck in the memory as opposed to
numerous words in traditional commercials.