A song or vocal commercial

A song or vocal commercial

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Does the recognizability and popularity of the advertisement depend on its category? Will a song commercial help?

A song or vocal commercial

A song or vocal commercial is quite popular in radio advertising. But one must know certain details which can influence substantially your advertising campaign.
On the one hand, such audio is considered the least informative. But on the other hand, the tune can get stuck in your head as the only recollection. But who listens to adverts closely, except for its makers? As a rule, we listen to it with half an ear. But the music logo of Coke is remembered and can be reproduced (if there is an ear for music) by most people. And the goal of advertising is just to make the trade mark catchy, recognizable and well sold! But this cannot be achieved any better than with a short but bright resounding vocal commercial.
As for a song commercial of the verse and chorus type, a lot depends on the voice and the tune. For example, a well-known hit with changed words adapted to suit your purposes is an excellent though a bit risky solution. Why risky? We will speak of it later.

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