Voices tuning. Indications for use
Imagine a car owner whose car is quite good but, as there is no limit to perfection, he dreams of getting a new, more powerful and cooler “iron horse” which is sure to raise his self-esteem.
The same concerns your telephone on-hold messages. When should you start upgrading it? It is when it begins with one voice-talent, is continued with another and finished with the third one. Such a set of voice-actors is by no means a sign of diversity. If you need to expand the amount of information do not try to record it using another voice-talent or even the voice similar to the already recorded one. It will not work! If you want to inform of a new advertising campaign or a new service, apply to the same voicetalents. One or two voices are quite enough. In this way you will ensure your recognizability and avoid unnecessary cacophony.